Whenever you realize you have a problem, and it seems impossible to stop gambling on your own, there is no reason to panic. Please keep in mind that you're not alone, and receiving professional help is nothing to be ashamed of. A number of tested and proven methods can be used to help you find assistance. Even though many problem gamblers are worried about attracting attention for their situation, responsible gambling practices are encouraged and promoted, and help is available for those in need. What can you do to solve the problem?
Get in touch with a helpline
Numerous telephone helplines are available. Having someone understand you, support you, and, more importantly, be anonymous while speaking. Confidentiality is valued above all else by many people, which is why they keep their details private until they are ready to speak up about their issues.
Consider joining a support group
Getting assistance from support groups is helpful, as you can find emotional support and the assurance you're not alone in this journey. Having objectives, such as "staying clean," will benefit you in more efficient ways than you might expect. Usually, people remain highly susceptible to addiction. So long as a person maintains control and is aware of their addictions, this shouldn't be a problem.
Become a sponsor
Often, people find that if they help others, addiction becomes easier to deal with. It has been confirmed that caring for others is a proven evolutionary advantage. Statistically speaking, sponsors tend to gamble less because they are more satisfied when they help others.
Don't be afraid to get in touch
Don't hesitate to take action and sign up for either BeGambleAware or GamCare. Do not wait any longer; if you believe you are suffering from gambling-related harm, please get in touch and seek assistance now.